Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Life in September

September seemed like a crazy month. Lots of fun things along with lots of hard things happened and we are grateful for a new month and all of our blessings.

Go Beavs! The kids all geared up to watch the game on TV.

I love when Oaklee gets all giggly and she makes this cute face alot when she is.

The kids were super duper crazy grumpy so we went on a walk in the rain. It seemed to change everyone's mood thankfully.

Playing at the mall waiting for daddy to get done with his eye doctor appt.

We went to our local HS football game. The kids actually loved and watched most of it for the first time ever.

McCoy drew this to precious picture for his little sister. A princess and her carriage.

Bryce and I were able to make a quick and much needed trip to the Temple.

Trying on our friends fireman gear.

McCoy's first time on the school bus.

McCoy was really great about getting ready for school the first couple of weeks. Even wanted to help make his lunch everyday. That has changed a bit now, he seems to have lost his enthusiasm :)

The fun things we get to do while brother is gone to school.

Kindergarten was an emotional change for McCoy and although he loves school he was really emotionally sensitive the first week and anything that didn't go his way right after school ended in a meltdown. There were lots of tears and snuggles. 

Oaklee still has to suck her thumb while holding her bears ear.

McCoy go to try on sparring gear for the first time and he loved it.

One day Oaklee asked to go back to bed around 10 and took a 1.5 hour nap, was up for an hour and asked to go take another nap where she slept for 2 more hours. She woke up with a fever. She ended up with a little virus that gave her a sore throat and mouth.

When Oaklee had her sore throat and I had to take her to the dreaded night clinic, the awesome Doctor lady gave her a popsicle. She was in heaven, although it was 10 o'clock at night and we had been waiting to get into a doctor for about 4 hours.

The bubble beard!

And pancake mouth!

Sparky the dog at the safety fair.

We took a weekend trip and found this beautiful lake to play in.

And we had to get ice cream there.

And take a picture in their giant chair.

Playing with cousins. This cousin adores Oaklee and pushed her around in this little car (which has no battery) for over an hour.

His best motorcycle face.

These cousins are eight months apart. And they are pretty good buds. This day they were being silly together and also had fun making a fort in the forest next to grandma's house.

Swinging on Uncle Spen's swing.

McCoy and Daddy finish the first Harry Potter book. Daddy pretty much rocks at the accents!

I had to suddenly leave town when my dad was put in the hospital, Daddy became Mr. Mom for a few days.

And I was so glad to see this cutie when I got home. But she sure made me pay for quickly leaving her and then not coming home for two days.

We had lots of help from neighbors and I got this text from one of them when she was watching Oaklee. So cute!

I started training for a 5k. I am NOT a runner, but would really like to be. I just started my third week of training and so far it is going really great!

My dad unfortunately had to spend his 75th birthday in the hospital for blood clots.
Thankfully it was caught and he is doing great!

The kids visiting him and blowing his birthday blowers.

McCoy had his school open house and it was fun to visit and look around his classroom.

They had popsicles and got to play on the playground after the open house.

McCoy was able to compete in a taekwondo tournament. He had a fun time and did really well.

One night I was making pizza and Oaklee wanted to help.

Then I let her play in the flour...

And then she made quite the mess.

Oaklee getting fed ice cream from her friend at a church activity. So cute!

With Grandma right before church.

I let Oaklee paint my toe nails for the first time ever. She did great with the first foot then she got to the big toe on my second foot and decided to paint my entire toe.

Letting them dry!

McCoy trying on his Halloween costume. The face is priceless!

Oaklee wanted to go and jump in puddles and she insisted on the little lake that forms at the end of our street when it rains alot. My kids can't get just a little wet, they have to go swimming!

Daddy was out of town for a couple of days and Oaklee was my little buddy never leaving my side and asking a million and one questions. 

How can you NOT try these on?!

Oaklee had the grumps one morning so we were being silly trying to chase them away.

Ack, fruit flies!

And McCoy has become quite the little Beaver fan lately. This is his picture of the Beavers playing the Ducks and the Beavers winning.

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